Membership Code
Update on Draft Membership Code and next steps.
Since 2018, AWN (with support from partners) has been pursuing a project aimed at establishing a clearer direction regarding the community’s membership and how it is determined. This work provides an important contribution to updating the by-laws to reflect who AWN is, and how it wants to govern its membership moving forward. At the June 20, 2024, meeting, Urban Matters and AWN staff reviewed the community’s feedback from the community engagements, and JKF Law provided an update on key areas of the draft membership code.
The draft code is currently developed, and an information package is available – please visit or contact the AWN office to learn more.
The next community meeting is being planned for fall 2024, and the goal is to connect with members who may have questions or concerns about the draft membership code. The meeting date and details have not yet been determined but will be shared with the community in the coming weeks. Next steps for this project include an upcoming vote process that could be established for the acceptance or denial of the draft membership code by the community.